Star Wars: Armada Wiki

MC80 Battle Cruiser Rebel Ship card

Defense Tokens[]

Possible Upgrades[]

Class Specifics[]

Compared to the MC80 Star Cruiser for 96 pts. the Battle Cruiser is armed with 4 red and 3 blue dice at the front battery instead of 3 red and 4 blue and 1 red and 1 blue die at the rear battery instead of 2 blue. It has +1 black die anti-squadron-armament.

See: Ship Comparison Chart

Available Through[]


The MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser were an early design of built Mon Calamari space vessels for scientific research. They were put into service for the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. Their capabilty was proven during the climactic Battle of Endor, when a flotilla of Mon Calamari ships attacked the massive command ship Executor and brought down its shields, as shown in Episode VI.

