Star Wars: Armada Wiki

Modified Pelta-class Command Ship Rebel Ship card

Defense Tokens[]

Possible Upgrades[]

Class Specifics[]

Compared to the Modified Pelta-class Assault Ship for 56 pts. the Command Ship is equiped with +2 pt. Squadron, its front and side batteries consist of 2 blue dice and 1 blue die instead of black, and it has 1 slot for Offensive Retrofits instead of Ordnance Upgrades.

See: Ship Comparison Chart

Available Through[]


The Pelta-class frigate also known as the Republic medical frigate, was used by the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars. The ships were to safely ferry injured clones to medical stations. During early rebellion against the Galactic Empire repurposed one Pelta-class frigate, which they named Phoenix Home, as a rebel capital ship.

